Assgm 3 - Vehicle Routing Problem - MM

Assgm 3 - Vehicle Routing Problem - MM

Given link (i,j), cost on the link is given by:


where xi,yi are the coordinates of node i.

Since I have an even ID number (CA41844HP), I will use node A as a depot. This is node with coordinates:


also known as node 11.

Poin 3 - Fisher & Jaikumar's Heuristic

See slide 79 (page 70 in my iPad) for problem definition

.mod file

y {CLD cross {1..K}} binary;
subject to cc{k in {1..K}}: sum{j in CLD} a[j]*y{j,k} <= C;

.run file

let {p in Depot} a[p] := 0;
# Constraint d_iik = \min(...)

Deleted from ample

.dat file

param a :=

1 0

2 0

3 0

4 0

5 10

6 0

7 0

8 10

9 0

10 0

11 0

12 10

13 10

14 10

15 0

16 0

17 10

18 10

19 10

20 0

21 10

22 0

23 10

24 0 ;

Ricapitolo i problemi risolti


problem MTZVRP: x, u, nulx, degree_in, degree_out, Degree_con_depot_ent, Degree_con_depot_exit, u0, subtour_breaking, lowerBound, upperBound, fobj;


problem FJ: y, FJcap, FJdegree_client, FJdegree_depot, FJ_obj;


problem TSP: x_TSP, s, TSP_nulx, TSP_degree_in, TSP_degree_out, s0, subtour_breaking_TSP, TSP_lowerBound, TSP_upperBound, TSP_obj;