06 - Public Private Partnership - DME

06 - Public Private Partnership - DME

Public financing

Necessity: There are Important infrastructure investment needs due to:

There are 3 ways of public financing:

Types of public funding

Direct public funding

direct public funding

In Direct public funding, the government raises funds immediatly and pays for a project directly.

For example, building a new highway funded by government bonds.

Deferred public funding

deferred public funding

In Deferred public funding, the financial burden of the project is delayed to a future date.

For example, a company builds a hospital and the government pays for it over 20 years.

Indirect public financing

indirect public financing

In Indirect public financing, the public, more than paying, makes incetives, through garantees, subsidies, without directly raising or spending funds.

For example, offering tax breaks to developers who invest in renewable energy projects.

Some models

Public funds to public entities

A way of [[#Indirect public financing]] an infrastructure.

A public or private agent is created for the sole purpose of managing and executing a project. The public administration funds this entity.

This can happen in 3 different ways:

Public funds to public entities from chapter VII

Capital transfers taken from the budget to whoever is managing the project.

Public funds to instrumental societies

Create a company or other public entity for the sole purpose of managing a project with NO commercial income. Public funds reimburse all expenses annually.

Contributions to public business entities or state owned companies under chapter VIII

Similar to [[#Public funds to instrumental societies]] but the company has commercial income. It needs to be profitable.

Deferred or fraction payment

There is a Construction contract such that, in exchange for a single price, the contractor finances the construction, then, when the work is done, it gets payed back.

English model - shadow toll

It's a concession system in which the private sector is funded receiving from the public administration a toll or fee proportional to the use of the infrastructure. This happens until the project is completely paid back.

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Private financing concessions

It's a type of contract often used for infrastructures.

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This model allows the public sector to make more public investments.

The contract:
From the company perspective, the goal is:

Risks of concessions

Risk management - Account for:

Risk management

RISK TRANSFERRED: Make it so someone else has the burden of the risk. For example, if managing an highway with shadow tolls with bands, if no one uses the infrastructure is the government that has to pay extra.

RISK ASSUMED: The risk needs to be incorporated into the cash flow. The operating company has the burden of the risk.

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Project Finance

[[Project Finance VS Corporate Finance]]

Project Finance

[[Project Finance]]

project finance

Project finance involves funding a specific project (like infrastructure, power plants, or real estate) where the project's cash flows and assets are used to repay the debt and earn returns on equity.

Everything is based on the project performance. If the projects doesn't generate enough revenue, investors won't be repaid.

The risk is generally higher since it all depends on the project but it is distributed among the several investors.

Since the structure of project finance is more complex, it is difficult to restructure. Also, there are high supervision costs.

Corporate Finance

[[Corporate Finance]]

corporate finance

Corporate finance deals with the financial activities of a corporation, including capital structure, funding, and actions taken to increase shareholder value

A company is responsible for raising and repaying capital, using their own balance.

The risk is spread across the company.

The company can work on many project. If the one project we are interested in it is not going well, the company can still use other revenues to repay debts.