is a function provided in the FactoMineR package in R-Studio.
It performs categorical data description, analyzing relationship between a categorical variable (the response, or target variable) and all the other variables (predictors).
Let there be a variable "hobbies"
# Example dataset
result <- catdes(hobbies, num.var = 1) # Variable 1 as the response
We use the function catdes(hobbies, num.var = 1)
The last command is telling to apply the catdes command to the variable "hobbies". It is also stating the target variable to be the first one: 1.
The catdes()
function returns 4 kind of results that interest us, grouped in 4 variables.
The output of catdes(...)
has been assigned to a variable named "result".
The result will look something like this:
eta2 p.value
Sepal.Length 0.618 <2e-16
Sepal.Width 0.222 0.003
Petal.Length 0.930 <2e-16
Petal.Width 0.900 <2e-16