00 - Course introduction - OMT
00 - Course introduction - OMT
The course reveals fundamentals of transportation. The course will seem basic for those with engineering background.
Online pre-course: "El lenguage de la ingeneria" (MOOC). Is in spanish.
The course will present:
- Graphical tools
- Time-space diagram
- Queuing diagram
- Flow theory: analysis of traffic streams (any kind of traffic)
- Flow control:
- Intersection control
- Flow assignment in networks
- Paradoxes:
- Braess' paradox
- If you increase the capacity of some part of the system the situation can become worse instead of better.
- Smith paradox
- Applying optimal control of one node to all nodes, without considering the network as a whole, can result in negative outcome
- Braess' paradox
- Observation and Measurement --> will be a group project
We will be focused on the fundamental knowledge.
- Logic
- Physics
- Analytical approach
We'll try to develop:
- Problem solving skills:
- De-emphasize: handbooks or recipes
Components of a transportation system
- Moving parts --> Vehicle --> Provides: Locomotion, Protection
- Sometimes protection and locomotion are provided together (cars), sometimes they are separate (ship + container)
- Fixed parts --> Infrastructure (streets, railways,...) --> makes up a network (links + nodes)
Nodes create the demand (it's where you can enter a network). They also allow transfer from one network to another (rail --> subway) --> Networks are hierarchal: they build on top of each other.
- High accessibility (there are a lot of nodes) --> It has low performance
- Sidewalks have lots of access points (every door) but it's very slow
- Low accessibility --> High performance
- High speed trains have stops very spread apart (> 200km) --> it's very fast.
- Intangible parts --> How we use, manage, control moving parts and fixed parts.