06 - Supply Chain Design and Operation Strategy - ISC
06 - Supply Chain Design and Operation Strategy - ISC
Strategies define what to do in the next 5, 10 maybe 15 years time.
- Set of objectives, policies and action plans of an organization.
- Business expression where a company is or want to be
- Statement of how a company intends to compete in the market
- Expression of the way to create value for our costumers more effectively than our competition
- Development and use of competitive ???
Business strategy
Long term plan to reach your desired future state starting where you are, which actions/plans do you have to do to get your envision point
- Vision mission values
- ???
Supply chain strategy
Long term plan to reach your desired future state where SC is aligned contribute support and enable....
- Mission - Why do we exist
- Values - What we believe
- Vision - What would we like to be in the future
- Key competences and strategic lines - Specific qualities
- Strategic targets and map - Link objectives
- Strategic scorecard (indicators) - Strategic KPI
- ???
The mission is the purpose of a company. Why the company exists
- Clear
- Concrete
- Concise
- Relevant
- Customer oriented
- Set direction
- Challenging
- Break barriers
The definition of what we would like to be in the future or how would like to be seen/perceived
- Realistic
- Aspirational
- Concise
- Challenging
- ???
The deeply ingrained trends within the organization that are demostrated through the daily behavior of all of its employees
Key competences
The knowhow that the organization must have...
Strategic lines
What is giving the direction where to go
Strategic objectievs
The milestone to go in a certain direction
Strategic map
A graphic that shows a logical, cause-and-effect connection ...???
Direction is much more important than speed.
In class exercise - What are mission/vision/values...?
- Mission
- Provide quick easy food
- Buy high value land
- Vision
- Build a strong brand
- Localize food
- Values
- Standardization
- Recognizability
- Safety
- Playfulness
- Land ownership
Strategy formulation process
- Know who you are - Set mission and vision
- Diagnosis
- Evaluate where you are
- How to win
- Where to play
- Create a value proposition
- The group of things on how you approach the costumer
- Strategic decisions
- Concept
- Capabilities needed
- Technologies needed
- Results and reformulate
- Results review
- Financials
- Deviations
- ...
Competitive winning factors
What are the 4 operations winning factors?
- Cost
- Very efficient
- Economy of scale
- Quality
- High quality standards
- Service
- Related to availability (go to supermarket and you find it)
- Reliable
- Customer priority above other variables
- Flexibility
- Prepared to all costumer requests
- Related to service but: special preparations, like giving delivery window...
The winning factor is a decision we make. It's not given by the market.
We cannot have all the 4 winning factors. Only 1, maybe 2
- Commodities - drinks, papare, sugar....
- Luxury
- Loyal costumers
- Nike, POLO, Rolex
- Smart purchasing
- VW, Toyota
- Ecommerce - Amazon
- New entries - Starbucks
- Leader brands - Zara, Dell
3 levels of operation decision
- Strategic
- About the what
- Objectives
- Supply policies
- Network design
- About the what
- Tactical
- About how
- Demand forcasting
- Production, procurement
- Inventory targets
- About how
- Operational
- About the "do"
- Daily life activities
- Execution KPIs
- About the "do"
Tips creating strategy
- The sum is more important than the parts
- Integrate all the parts of the system
- The strategy MUST be aligned with Business strategy
- The design, the process optimization and management are key competitive advantages
- Successful recipes pass - results review and formulation
- It's important to know our history but don't get stuck on "it's always been like this"
- A good strategy prepares you to face potential problems
Strategy is key but don't forget execution.
Competitive advantages are not always durable over time.