03 - Logistics - ISC

03 - Logistics - ISC


Logistic is defined as the commercial activity of transporting goods to costumers.

Basic concept
Transporting goods.

Objective: Deliver right quantities at the right moment in the right pale

It includes:

Schermata 2024-10-21 alle 19.10.57.png

Warehouse classification

based on products:

Based on distribution



Logistic functions

Order preparation

The order preparation is the most critical activity

Main objective is to deliver best service to customers

Determines critical aspects:

Key aspects in cost:

Main activities

Warehouse diagram - 03 - Logistics - SC 2024-10-21 19.16.42.excalidraw.png

Distribution models

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Direct distribution

Staggered distribution

Central warehouses

Cross-dock platform is a place where the product is not stopped or stored. Funge tipo smistamento treni.

Reverse Logistics

Reverse logistics

reverse logistic

Reverse logistic is the logistic necesseray to take back the product from the point of consumption to the distributor.

Sometimes, is cheaper to leave the product to the consumer.

Direct vs reverse logistic

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!! We refund as soon as we get the product. We check quality after.

After return, the product can go back to inventory, or to secondary market

Key factors for logistic success

MERCADONA automatic warehouse:

Costumer service

Costumer service is not a department. It's an attitude

Services provided to customers before, during and after purchase

It is the area of any organization that is responsible for answering questions, complaints, doubts and comments...


Costumer satisfaction = Perception - Expectation
Deliver always more than is expected.




CRM : Costumer Relationship Management

Companies spend a lot of time to sell a product. They spend even more time for cross sales: extras to the product the costumer is buying.

Functions and role

Order To Cash (OTC) - Process that begins with the client set up and order and ends with delivery and payment.

In class exercise

KPIs should be related to time.

Coca Cola KPIs

  • Duration for order to cash
  • % of orders fullfilled
  • No. of compaints/reverse logistic/incidence rate
  • No. of sales per year
  • OTIF
  • Costumer feedback and service
  • How many agreements (more related for sales)
    Cinema KPIs
  • Costumer reviews
  • No. of costumer return
  • Complaints and resolution time
  • Memberships
  • Facility maintanence
  • Employee satisfaction
  • Seat occupancy rate
  • Snacks sales per ticket
  • Snacks sales
  • Group distribution
  • Delay for snack/tickets

Things needed in CS
