05 - Session 5 - IE
05 - Session 5 - IE
Concept poster
Powerful mean to communicate an idea to a given audience in seek for a support for its development.
Both a summary and a communication tool to provide an overview about your idea, why it matters, and how it works.
Finally, a timeline: steps needed to implement this.
Business model
Describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers and captures value.
Key partners: can be the municipality
- Revenue stream: who is going to pay?
- Cost structure: What need to be paid?
Pitch - 10 min
10 MIN pitch
The purpose of a pitch is not to deliver a message, is to MAKE AN IMPACT.
What impact fo you want to make?
- Decision making
What decisions can be taken based on your presentation?
There are 2 levels of problems:
- Overarching or global - the problem is important
- Individual (or company) - the solution is relevant
Start with
- Why - Problem: raise empathy
- How - Solution: display impact
- What
- Market - how widely applicable is the solution?
- Business model - Can you do it forever?
- Is it scalable?
Aalto startup Sauna formula:
- Slogan
- Problem
- Solution
- Market
- Business Model
- Team
- Traction (customer validation)
- Ask