04 - Theory of Organization and Supply Regulation - DME

04 - Theory of Organization and Supply Regulation - DME

Integration or fragmentation

Levels of organization

Every transportation system can be thought of being made up of 3 levels:

Infrastructure level

infrastructure level

The infrastructure level is the most material and physical part of a transportation system

Info structure level

info structure

The info structure is the part of the transportation system that ensures the safe and optimized use of the [[#Infrastructure level]].

It could be:

Service level

service level

The service level is the part of a transportation system that touch the final consumer. It's what it purchased by the final consumer and is characterized by price, frequency and quality of service.


The 3 [[#Levels of organization]] can be articulated in several ways.

Perfect and imperfect competition

Perfect competition

perfect competition

A market with perfect competition has to meet the following criteria:

  • No one has market power - Price is defined by the market
  • All competitors and user have perfect information
  • Markets are complete (there is a market for each good and consumers willing to pay the marginal cost of producing them)
  • Markets are flexible

In a perfect competition, there are infinitly many agents all infinitly small.

In reality though, there usually only is [[#Imperfect competition]]

Imperfect competition

Imperfect competition is one where there is no [[#Perfect competition]]. There can be 3 types of imperfect competition:

Monopolistic competition

monopolistic competition

In a monopolistic competition there are several agents making the same product but each have they're unique characteristic. (ex: many companies making phones, but the phones are all different).



In a oligopoly there are only a few agents providing the same product or service.

(ex. Car companies, regional airlines,...)



In a monopoly, there is only 1 single agent providing one product or service